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Meet the Parliamentary Digital Service

The Parliamentary Digital Service (PDS) is a joint department of the House of Commons and House of Lords, providing information and digital services to Parliament. We believe that tech makes Parliament happen and welcome you to join us in building a digital democracy.


What it's like to work for PDS

Nicola: Ultimately, Parliament is lots of different things for different people, but to me it's about the importance of democracy.

I think that's what feels different about parliament. I feel really strongly about the mission of Parliament. I feel strongly that the work I do makes a difference.

Avi: It's a great place to work, solely for the fact that when you walk in, it's such a majestic place to be in. That always puts a smile on your face, you'll never really get bored of that.

Nicola: So, PDS works on a wide spectrum of different things, ultimately it's about providing digital solutions that work for the Houses.

Andrew: Everything, from the cleaners to the librarians, if there's a computer involved and any IT, then PDS supports it.

Tom: In a lot of ways it's like a puzzle, where you're sort of figuring out okay, we're rolling out this piece of technology to this team, how to we engage with them properly, how do we work with them to ensure that they get the right thing that they need.

Nicola: So for me there really is no average day, and that's part of what I love about my role in PDS. There's no day that looks like the last,  there's a lot of opportunity here, and there's lots of opportunity to dip your toes into lots of different areas of work.

Tom: You'll meet a ton of people from all walks of life, and people that come from really interesting backgrounds, and a lot of it is due to the work that Parliament does.

Sarah: In my area, there's a lot of space to try out new things without fear of making mistakes.

What I enjoy about working in PDS is the culture is very friendly and welcoming.

Andrew: There is a very collaborative feel, there's all sorts of departments and sections within PDS. I myself have a bit of a visual disability and this has been absolutely no bar to me.

Avi: There are loads of opportunities to move sideways, to progress, to learn about different roles you might be interested in.

Nicola: I really think that PDS thinks about the whole person and gives us the opportunity to work in a way that is fluid and flexible.

Andrew: It's like any other job in some respects, but when you take a breath and look around there's nothing like it, there's nowhere like it. It is quite a wonderful place to work.