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How Parliament works

Find out what happens at Parliament, how your MP represents you and how Parliament checks up on the work of Government.

Parliament's Role

What Parliament does, its role in UK politics, and its relationship with Government, the Crown and devolved legislatures.

Changes due to COVID-19

Find out about the temporary changes to proceedings in the Commons and Lords during the pandemic


Explanation of the main types of committees: select, joint and general committees

Elections and voting

Find out how Members of Parliament are elected to the House of Commons, how the Parliamentary constituency system works and what happens at the dissolution of Parliament

Parliament and the Government

What is the difference between Parliament and the Government?

Parliament and the Government are different. Find out about their different roles and responsibilities.

Parliament and women

News, events and research from the UK Parliament on women’s rights and representation – yesterday and today


An alphabetical list of parliamentary terms with definitions.

View glossary