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Written ministerial statements

Government ministers can make written statements to Parliament as well as oral ones. Oral statements often address major incidents, policies and actions. Written ministerial statements are normally used to put the day-to-day business of government on the official record and in the public domain

Written ministerial statements are often used to provide or announce:

  • Detailed information and statistics from the government
  • The publication of reports by government agencies
  • Findings of reviews and inquiries and the government's response
  • Financial and statistical information
  • Procurement issues
  • Procedure and policy initiatives of government departments

Access to written statements

Written statements are published online shortly after receipt in Parliament.

A list of daily written statements is printed in the Order Paper. Where the government has indicated that it will make a written statement on a future day this is recorded in Future Business.

Written statements are also reproduced in the next edition of the Daily Report and of Hansard in the relevant House.

History of written statements

Until 2002 the government mainly used written answers to make statements - by getting a backbench MP to table a written question drafted by the government department. The need for these 'arranged' or 'planted' questions was removed in October 2002 when a new system allowing written statements to be printed independently in their own section in Hansard was introduced in the Commons. The Lords did the same in January 2004.

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