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Third Reading: Private Bills

Third reading is the last chance for MPs and Lords to debate or block a Private Bill. After third reading, and when both Houses are agreed on the contents of a Private Bill, it can receive Royal Assent.

Third reading debate

Debate on third reading is usually limited to discussion on the general content of the Bill, rather than focussing on specific elements. No amendments can be made at third reading.

Third reading of Private Bills in the House of Lords is often formal, with no debate

What happens after third reading?

The Commons and Lords must agree on the text of a Private Bill before it receives Royal Assent, so each House must consider any amendments made by the other House.

When both Houses are agreed on the exact wording, the Bill can receive Royal Assent and become an Act of Parliament.



The Official Report (Hansard)is the edited verbatim report of proceedings in the House of Commons. There is also an official report of the House of Lords known as Lords Hansard.
