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Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order 2014

Able Marine Energy Park Development Consent Order 2014 was laid before Parliament on 10 February 2014. The order seeks to grant development consent for the Able Marine Energy Park in Humberside

The project involves the construction of a new harbour on the south bank of the Humber Estuary and will include onshore facilities for the construction of offshore wind farms to be situated in the North Sea.

Latest News

30 October 2014 The Joint Committee tasked with considering 2 petitions against the Order published its report on 30 October 2014.  That concludes the special parliamentary procedure on the Order.

17 June 2014 The Joint Committee tasked with considering 2 petitions against the Order has now been appointed.  The members are Lord Armstrong, Paul Blomfield MP, Lord Plant of Highfield, Matthew Offord MP, Viscount Ullswater and Craig Wittaker MP.  The committee will appoint a chairman at its first meeting on Monday 30 June.  Further information about the Joint Committee and its proceedings can be found on the Committee's web page (by following the link in the tab on the left-hand side of this page).

10 May 2014 The deadline for the House of Commons or the House of Lords to pass annulment resolutions against the order has now elapsed. The petitions against the Special Procedure Order now stand referred to a Joint Committee.  The members of the Committee will be announced shortly.

6 May 2014 No counter-petitions were received by the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Members now have until the 10 May 2014 to table and debate an annulment resolution against the order (see below). If no annulment resolutions have passed by 10 May 2014, a Joint Committee will be appointed to consider the Petitions. 

4 April 2014

  • The resolution period Before a Joint Committee can consider the petitions members of the House of Lords and the House of Commons have an opportunity to "table an annulment resolution" That is, they may ask for a debate on whether the order should be allowed to proceed. Such a debate must be held on or before 10 May 2014. If it were agreed to the order would be unable to progress any further.
  • The counter-petitioning period during this time it is possible to present a "counter-petition" arguing that you would be adversely affected by the amendments in petition no. 2.  All counter-petitions must be deposited in the Office of the Clerk of the Parliaments, House of Lords by 6 May 2014.  It is also possible to deposit one in the House of Commons Private Bill Office but the deadline for that is 29 April 2014.  If you wish to present a counter-petition or would like further information please contact either Private Bill Office (see right-hand panel for contact details).

2 & 3 April 2014 After hearing evidence from from the memorialists, Able Humber Ports Limited and the petitioners, Associated British Ports,the Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords and the Chairman of Ways and Means in the House of Commons decided that the Petitions should be referred to a Joint Committee.

A corrected transcript of the meeting of 2 April 2014.
A corrected transcript of the meeting of 3 April 2014.

An audio recording of the meeting of 2 April 2014.
An audio recording of the meeting of 3 April 2014.

7 March 2014 The applicant for the order, Able Humber Ports Limited, has deposited two memorials against the two petitions received from Associated British Ports. View the petitions and the memorials.

The Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords and the Chairman of Ways and Means in the House of Commons will, together, now consider the two petitions and the two memorials against the petitions and will then report to the House of Lords and the House of Commons.  This will take place on 2 April at 2.30 pm in Committee Room 3A.

4 March 2014 The applicant for the order and the Department for Transport have until 7 March to object to the petitions. They may object to a petition on certain specific grounds. If any such objections, called "memorials", are deposited against the petitions they will be posted on the parliamentary website. Any objections will then be considered alongside the petitions in due course.

3 March 2014 The 21-day petitioning period enabling people specially and directly affected by the proposed construction of a proposed construction of the Able Marine Energy Park in Humberside to indicate that they would like to give evidence to a Joint Committee of both Houses of Parliament ended on 3 March 2014. There will be no further opportunity for anyone to petition against this Order.

Two petitions were received and they can be viewed on parliamentary website.

See more on this order


Petitioning Kits

The peititioning kits are listed below for information only.

House of Commons petitioning kit

House of Lords petitioning kit

What is a petition?

A ‘petition' in this context is a document in a specific format that outlines how the proposed facility affects someone and why they think the proposal should not go ahead. It is not a public petition to which lots of people add their names.

Please note the petitioning period has now finished and there will be no further opportunity for anyone to petition against this Order.

Why does the Order need to go through special parliamentary procedure?

The Order will be subject to special parliamentary procedures because it includes the acquisition of statutory undertaker land, which is “special land” under the terms of the Planning Act 2008.

The procedure permits specially and directly affected individuals and groups to present their arguments against the order to a Joint Committee appointed for that purpose.

Hasn't this procedure changed recently?

Yes, the Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013 removed this category of land from the need to be subject to this special parliamentary procedure but only in respect of applications made after 19th October 2012, when that Bill was first published. The application for the Able Marine Energy Park was made in December 2011, so the new planning regime does not apply to it.

House of Commons Private Bill Office

House of Lords Private Bill Office

House of Commons Private Bill Office