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Borough of Stevenage (Ferrier Road) Compulsory Purchase Order 2009

A special procedure order concerning the compulsory purchase of part of Chells Recreation Ground near Ferrier Road, Stevenage was laid before Parliament during October 2012. It finished its special parliamentary proceedings in November 2012.

Background to the Order

The order authorises the compulsory acquisition by Stevenage Borough Council of part of Chells Recreation Ground in Stevenage. 
The land is open space land and no equally advantageous land is being offered in exchange so the compulsory purchase order has to go through a special parliamentary procedure before it can have effect. This may give specially and directly affected individuals and groups an opportunity to present their arguments against the order to a Joint Committee appointed for that purpose.

The special procedure began on 16 October 2012 when the order arrived in Parliament (by being “laid” in the House of Lords and the House of Commons).

Getting Involved

Between Tuesday 16 October 2012 and 5pm on Monday 5 November 2012  there was an opportunity for people specially and directly affected by the Order to indicate that they would like to give evidence to a Joint Committee of both Houses of Parliament. No such objections ("petitions") were received and therefore no joint committee will consider this Order.

Those wishing to give their views needed to follow the guidelines for submitting a ‘petition' to either the House of Commons or the House of Lords. A ‘petition' in this context is a document in a specific format that outlines how the proposed compulsory purchase would affect them and why they think that it should not go ahead. The petitioning period has now ended.

Latest news

The Order has now finished its special parliamentary procedure. Members of either the House of Lords or the House of Commons had an opportunity to seek to halt the progress of the Order by debating and deciding within a 21 day window (the "resolution period" - 6 to 26 November 2012) that the Order should not go forward. No such decision was made in either House.

The petitioning period (see "Getting involved" above) began on Tuesday 16 October 2012 and ended at 5pm Monday 5 November 2012 but no petitions were deposited against the Order.

See more on this Order

Image: Stevenage Borough Council

Giving your views

Giving your views

The deadline for submissions wasMonday 5 November 2012 (the end of the "petitioning period"). There will be no further opportunity to register your opposition by submitting a petition against the Order.Links to the petitioning kits remain here for information only:

House of Lords petitioning kit

House of Commons petitioning kit

House of Lords Private Bill Office

Media enquiries

  • Telephone: 0207 219 0969

House of Commons Journal Office

House of Lords Private Bill Office