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The Civil War

Over the space of 20 years England experienced civil war, regicide, a republic and military rule. At the heart of all these events was Parliament.

How did the institution which had existed at the will of the King come to overthrow and execute him and then conduct a 10-year experiment in rule by the Commons alone, without King or House of Lords? And why by 1660 were most people ready and eager to go back to the old system?

Expert Interview

Listen to podcast on the events leading up to the trial and execution of Charles I

Contemporary Context

Parallels between the Other House, recommended in the Humble Petition and Advice of 1657, and current proposals for the reform of the House of Lords

Further Information

Some of the many books written about the 17th century civil wars

Key Dates

1603-1660: A chronology of events charting the lead up to the Civil War, Oliver Cromwell's time in power, and the eventual Restoration of the monarchy

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Also within Living Heritage