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Who captured Guy Fawkes?

Sir Thomas Knyvett and Edmund Doubleday found Guy Fawkes in the basement of the House of Lords on 4 November.

Sir Thomas Knyvett

Knyvett was MP for Westminster from 1584 and keeper of both Whitehall and Westminster Palaces. In 1607 he was made a peer, perhaps because of his role in discovering Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder.

Edmund Doubleday

Edmund Doubleday was Knyvett's close friend and was with him on 4 November when they challenged Fawkes, and tried to search him.  An account of the arrest published in 1631 paints a vivid picture of Doubleday's role.

Fawkes 'very violently gripped Master Doubleday by the fingers of the left hand. Through pain thereof Master Doubleday offered to draw his dagger to have stabbed Fawkes, but suddenly better thought himself and did not; yet in that heat he struck up the traitor's heels and withal fell upon him and searched him, and in his pocket found his garters, wherewith Master Doubleday and others that assisted him bound him' (John Stow, Annals, 1631).


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Guy Fawkes

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