People & Parliament transforming society
Parliament has frequently defined the relationship between the State and its citizens and so has often been at the very heart of change in society. Parliament at times has been a champion of advances in society, and at others has been the focal point of popular campaigns run by those frustrated by a lack of reforming legislation.

Maps from Falkland Islands Economic Study by Lord Shackleton, September 1982. Parliamentary Archives, S/474

Find out about UK Parliament and WWII using historical and educational resources as well as information about Parliamentarians and the roles they played in the Second World War.

How Parliament worked with social reformers to improve our health, working conditions and education over the last two centuries

How Britain's economic development over the past 300 years was influenced by Parliament

The influence that local areas have had in developing their towns and countryside through legislation

Parliament's involvement in the development and modernisation of the nation's system of courts, policing and prisons

How Parliament has influenced and affected a range of aspects of our private lives, including the money we earn and our personal relationships
A collection of materials from the UK Parliament in commemoration of the First World War.
People power has changed Parliament, achieving fairer representation and equal voting rights
How Parliament worked with social reformers to improve our health, working conditions and education over the last two centuries
People working with Parliament have shaped the country’s infrastructure since medieval times
How Britain’s economic development over the past 300 years was influenced by Parliament
How Parliament has influenced and affected a range of aspects of our private lives, including the money we earn and our personal relationships
Parliament's involvement in the development and modernisation of the nation’s system of courts, policing and prisons