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Environmental policy

Parliament has an environmental sustainability policy statement which applies to the activities of both Houses of Parliament and Parliamentary Digital Service.

It outlines Parliament's priority actions to deliver environmental sustainability. Sustainability and environmental improvements are to be integrated into business planning and decision making to ensure that environmental sustainability is not separate from core business but forms part of a balanced overall strategy to achieve Parliament's goals and objectives.

The policy is regularly reviewed and the current policy was approved by the Management Boards of both Houses in 2023. 


Both House Services and the Parliamentary Digital Service are committed to working together to achieve environmental sustainability in Parliamentary activities. This commitment will be acted upon with all due consideration of our first duty to facilitate and support the Parliamentary democratic process and to use public money wisely.  

We will: -  

  • Ensure compliance with all relevant environmental regulations and follow current best practice in environmental stewardship;  
  • Work to integrate the principles of a circular economy into the way Parliament conducts its activities;  
  • Assess and monitor the environmental, social and economic consequences of our activities and manage these to minimise their negative impacts;  
  • Ensure the efficient use of resources, including water, gas, electricity, raw materials and manufactured products;  
  • Eliminate or minimise the use of consumables and single-use items such as plastics, packaging and paper;  
  • Procure products and services from environmentally responsible suppliers whenever possible;  
  • Purchase reusable, recycled and recyclable products and materials wherever these are cost-effective and meet our quality requirements;  
  • Avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials, and ensure suitable protection of the environment when using, storing and disposing of these;  
  • Work to achieve net-zero carbon emissions across the Estate in accordance with Parliament’s ‘Strategic Vision for the Parliamentary Estate; 
  • Actively measure, manage and work to reduce the carbon impact of our supply chain;  
  • Reduce waste impact through the practical maximisation of prevention, re-use and recycling;  
  • Ensure zero waste goes to landfill from normal business activities, and minimise were possible landfilled waste produced by construction projects;   
  • Require Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) ratings to be carried out for building refurbishments and new builds, achieving minimum ratings as required by the SVPE and exceeding these where feasible;  
  • Ensure that refurbishment and construction projects are carried out in a way which delivers the best environmentally sustainable outcomes feasible;  

  • Put in place a transport strategy promoting sustainable travel and reducing the associated carbon impact of work-related travel;   
  • Encourage biodiversity on the Parliamentary Estate and ensure where feasible that biodiversity gain is factored into construction programmes;   

  • Promote environmental awareness among our employees and contracted personnel to ensure they work in an environmentally responsible manner;  

  • Communicate our environmental commitment to clients, customers and the public and encourage them to support it;  
  • Regularly review environmental policy and practice to ensure its continued relevance and application;
  • Pay due regard to maximising value and efficiency. 


Signatures of persons responsible for policy: -  



Tom Goldsmith                                        Simon Burton 

Clerk of the House                                  Clerk of the Parliaments