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Targets and performance

Ambitious new targets are being finalised for a new campaign to reduce Parliament’s environmental sustainability impacts up to 2050, with intermediate milestone targets (these are yet to be finalised).

Our new campaign will run to 2050 as this coincides with the UK’s commitment to reach net zero carbon.

Both Houses agreed the following targets in 2023 (based on 2008/09 baselines):

  • To achieve Net Zero Carbon emissions for Scope 1, 2 & 3
  • To reduce net annual energy use by 50%
  • To achieve a 75% reduction in mains water consumption
  • To achieve a 70% reduction in net use of borehole water
  • To achieve the following operational Waste Hierarchy performance:

             o Reduce/avoid: 25%
             o Reuse & above: 40%
             o Recycle & above: 90%
             o Energy recovery & above: 100%

  • All suppliers to Parliament, their supply chains, and sub-contractors to have fully integrated circular economy practices into all products they provide and can demonstrate this through certification or equivalent
  • To maintain a Sustainable Drainage Strategy with identified opportunities to reduce surface water discharge to combined sewers and development and refurbishment projects to optimise opportunities for attenuating water run-off
  • A pedestrianised Estate wherever possible
  • Significant improvement in biodiversity across the Estate
  • To achieve a BREEAM ”Outstanding” rating for new builds and major refurbishments, and “Excellent” rating for major refurbishments of heritage and listed buildings

Previous targets 2010-2021

To meet the environmental policy commitments and improve Parliament's environmental performance, both Houses agreed the following targets in 2010 (based on 2008/09 baselines):

  • To reduce absolute carbon emissions by 34% by 2020/21. 
  • To reduce water consumption by 50% by 2020/21.
  • To reduce the weight of waste generated by 30% by 2020/21.
  • To recycle 75% of waste generated by weight by 2020/21.

Our performance against these targets is below: 

• A 52% reduction in absolute carbon emissions equivalent to 10,444 tonnes
• A 61.1% reduction in water consumption equivalent to cubic metres 193,243m3
• A 63.7% reduction in the weight of waste generated equivalent to 1,279 tonnes
• A recycling rate of 63% compared to a recycling rate of in 2008/09 of 47%.

We continue to achieve a recycling and recovery rate of 100% with zero waste to landfill.

Parliament's baseline environmental performance data for 2008/09 was independently verified by external consultants as has annual end of year data.

Current Performance

Parliament monitors and reports information on its current environmental performance to the Management Boards of both Houses monthly, and both Houses subsequently publish this information in their respective Annual Reports.

Graphs showing performance in our main impact areas for the financial year 2022/23 are shown below. 

The carbon graph displays absolute carbon emissions with no adjustment for weather. The graphs for electricity and gas are corrected for weather and are a better indicator of our improvements in energy efficiency. Waste and recycling figures are based on weight generated and recycled.