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House of Lords Apprenticeships

In January 2017 the House of Lords welcomed our first cohort of apprentices, working across the House in Business Administration in Parliamentary and Corporate Services teams.

Please check back to this page or register for an alert on our recruitment portal for information about upcoming apprenticeship places.

Below are some thoughts from our apprentices about their time working with the House.

Why did you decide to look for an apprenticeship?

“I realised studying wasn't for me, and university was never in my plans. My best option was an apprenticeship as I could work and earn money, as well as work towards a qualification.”

“Not having a degree or a lot of work experience was making it difficult to find full time employment, so I thought that an apprenticeship would be the perfect route to help advance my career.”

“I want to enhance my career potential, and I believe in the long run an apprenticeship could be even better than going to uni.”

Was there anything in particular that attracted you to the House of Lords scheme?

“I believe it's essential to understand and be interested in politics, therefore this seemed to me one of the best places to start a career, surrounded by brilliant minds, interesting people, and creative ideas.”

“One of my future aspirations is to work in government, Civil Service, or politics somehow. Working in Parliament is a perfect chance to gain experience in these areas.”

“I was attracted to work for an organisation with a rich history.”

After completing your first few months, did the role turn out to be what you were expecting?

“The role is turning out to be more than I expected; I keep on learning new things every day, and I'm required to take more responsibilities and make decisions which makes it challenging and interesting. I can see the impact of my role in my team and that makes it really rewarding.”

“I honestly wasn't sure what to expect. As this is an apprenticeship, I thought I might be monitored more and expected a dynamic like school or college. Instead, I've been really surprised by the amount of responsibility I have, and that I'm respected as another colleague, entrusted with important tasks.”

“I didn't fully know what to expect, but overall the job I am doing is providing with the exact challenges I wished for, and it has given me a lot of confidence in my ability to work in a large organisation.”

How have your relationships with your new work colleagues developed?

“I have felt welcomed and offered assistance whenever I need it. My colleagues are great.”

“Everyone here is very nice, and professional. The way the apprenticeship scheme is organised means we got to meet other apprentices before we started, which meant we made friends easily.”

“My department is really diverse and a real melting pot. All the people are friendly, polite, helpful, and down-to-earth.”

What's the most surprising thing you've about working at the House of Lords?

“I was surprised I was given a lot of freedom and responsibility to tackle the tasks I was given straight away. This has been a good way for me to learn the new skills I needed.”

“I wouldn't call it surprising, but it has been enlightening to see how much work goes on in the House, aside from inside the chamber. Gaining insights into what happens in the House of Lords has been very interesting.”

“A surprising aspect of this opportunity has been how much training and development has been available. I've also loved being able to engage with everyone working in the House, including the Lords themselves.”

How do you hope this apprenticeship will support your future career aspirations?

“I hope it will give me the skills, confidence, and ability to either continue working at Parliament, or somewhere within the wider Civil Service, as that is ultimately my career aspiration.”

“I can already see that it is supporting me in all the aspects of study where I need to improve, as well as helping me develop new skills to perform well in my job.”

“I'd like to gain a permanent role at Parliament following my apprenticeship, but even if I don't my hope is that the experience I am gaining will aid in the progression of my career. My chosen field is really hard to get in to without a degree, but the skills and relevant experience I am gaining at the House of Lords will really better my chances.”