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Ellen Parry - Committee Researcher Sandwich student


I am an International Relations student at the University of Surrey. I am working in the UK Nations Unit, which is a hub supporting Select Committees at the House of Commons. Most of the work we do supports the Northern Ireland, Scottish, and Welsh Affairs Committees. I work as a “Committee Researcher” which means I work alongside Committee Specialists and Clerks in preparing briefing material, writing reports, and coordinating evidence sessions.

The work I have been doing has been really interesting, and I have felt like I have made a valuable contribution to the work of the Committee’s, whilst gaining valuable experience and skills. A highlight of my placement so far would be working with the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee to scrutinise the UK-Australia Free Trade Agreement. As this is the first new FTA the UK has negotiated since leaving the EU, Parliamentary scrutiny is particularly interesting – so to be a part of that is really valuable. Additionally, I’ve organised a short series of evidence sessions for the Scottish Affairs Committee on access to cash, and wrote a survey that was distributed to the public.

The main reason I chose to do a placement year was the opportunity that it gave me to gain a full year of professional experience before I have even graduated. I am hoping this provides me with the confidence needed when applying for jobs after I have finished my degree, knowing that I have gained new skills outside of my academic studies. Although I have only been on my placement for a few months, I already feel a lot better equipped for applying for graduate jobs in the future. My placement has also allowed me to develop a more succinct and professional writing style which I believe will be not only helpful when applying for jobs in the future, but also when I return to my degree next year.

I felt really supported throughout both the recruitment and onboarding process, and the placement team at the House of Commons made sure all my questions were answered and maintained a frequent line of communication.  My line manager and team members have all made a real effort to ensure I have both the support I need, whilst providing me with ample independent work so I can learn and develop my skills. I keep in regular contact with my tutor at University, who is on hand if I need any support and ensures I’m up to date with anything important going on at University.

It can be quite daunting to step outside of the University bubble, but University is so much more than a degree, and the skills you gain whilst on placement will be invaluable to your future personal and professional development.

2021/2022 Sandwich Student