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CCC policy

The Compliments, Complaints and Comments scheme welcomes feedback from our customers to help us make improvements to services provided by the House of Commons. If you have an urgent issue which needs to be resolved immediately, please report it directly to the team involved so that we can resolve it as quickly as possible.

How to provide feedback

The easiest way to provide feedback is by using our online feedback form.

You can also email or write to:

Customer Services Team
House of Commons

What will happen to feedback we receive?


Where our staff have provided you with excellent service we are keen to hear about it. Any compliments we receive will be passed to the team in question, and where you provide positive feedback about individual members of staff this may be included in our staff recognition scheme. We will acknowledge receipt of your compliment within 1 working day.


Comments, suggestions or queries about our services will be passed to the relevant team/s for consideration. We will acknowledge receipt of your comments within 1 working day and if you request a response we will send one within 15 working days.


In the first instance we would encourage you to contact a member of staff who will welcome the opportunity to put things right for you immediately. We expect the majority of complaints will be resolved this way. Where we are unable to resolve a problem informally, we will offer you the opportunity to make a formal complaint.

Formal complaints about our services will be passed to the manager of the team responsible for the service for consideration. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 1 working day and will provide you with a response within 15 working days. If we cannot send a full reply within 15 working days we will tell you the reason why and let you know when we will be able to reply in full.

If you are dissatisfied with the way we have answered your complaint you may request a review by the Customer Services Director. When requesting a review, you must give the reasons for your dissatisfaction. If the Customer Services Director decides your complaint warrants further investigation, a senior House of Commons manager will be appointed to review the original complaint and the response. They will re-examine the facts taking into account the reason(s) why you are dissatisfied. If, on the other hand, the Customer Services Director considers that there is no further case to answer, you will be informed of the reason for this decision.

The Customer Services Director’s review is the final stage of the complaints process.

Your request for a review should be sent to the Customer Services Team by email to

We would expect complaints to cover:

  • the standard of service we provide
  • the behaviour of our staff
  • any action or lack of action by staff affecting an individual or group

Our complaints policy does not cover:

  • statements by and actions of Members of the House of Commons.
  • proceedings of the House of Commons, including Select Committee proceedings.
  • the government, including the work of government departments, statements by ministers, and government policy.
  • political parties, public bodies and other external organisations.
  • the House of Lords.
  • complaints where procedures and remedies are set out in legislation, e.g. Freedom of Information Act, Data Protection Act.
  • matters that have already been fully investigated through this complaints procedure
  • behaviour and actions of staff directly employed by Members of the House of Commons
  • anonymous complaints

Where you are looking to complain about something that is the responsibility of another person or organisation, we will aim to provide you with information about how to pursue your complaint.

How we'll treat your information

Personal data you supply will be processed for the purpose of managing and responding to your feedback and will be shared with the relevant service provider. It may be shared with third parties if they provide the service concerned.

Anonymised summaries of the feedback are published quarterly on the transparency pages of the Parliament website. We respect your right to privacy.

Please see our Privacy Notice and Privacy Policy for more information about how we may use your information.

We respect your right to privacy


We respect your right to privacy. The House of Commons Privacy Notice applies to our work.

We will collect the following personal data - name, email address, contact details and information you might provide in relation to your feedback.

We consider the purposes for the processing of your personal data to be managing and responding to your feedback and the lawful bases to be as follows:

1. The processing is necessary for Parliamentary functions.

2. The processing is necessary for our legitimate interests –

  • the processing of your personal data is required to provide you with a response to your enquiry where one is required and use your personal feedback to improve our services or provide feedback to the relevant team
  • it is necessary for us to use your personal data to provide you with a response
  • you have provided the feedback voluntarily and with the expectation that it will be used for the purposes outlined above. Your rights under data protection apply.

The retention period for the collection of this personal data is the period needed to gather, process and respond to your feedback and can vary dependent on the nature of the feedback. Anonymised summaries of the feedback are planned to be published quarterly and the associated personal data will be disposed of once the summary data is published and any issues resolved.


The Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) Helpline: supporting those affected by bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct.

Call: 0808 168 9281 (freephone)


If you feel you have experienced, witnessed, been accused of or are supporting someone with bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct, the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme (ICGS) Helpline can provide you with emotional support and guidance on the options available to you and the processes involved.

Restricting or altering services policy

The House of Commons Service is committed to delivering a high level of professional services and to driving public engagement with parliamentary business.

The House of Commons delivers a broad range of services to the public and most interactions are positive. On rare occasions, the behaviour or actions of individuals can make it difficult to continue to engage with them. In these circumstances, the House of Commons Service will consider the impact of the behaviour on staff and on their ability to do their work and provide a service to others.

Parliament's restricting or altering services to the public policy

CCC Publications

Documentation for compliments, complaints and comments feedback and responses can be found here.