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The Speaker of the House of Commons register of financial interests - gifts, hospitality, non-regular travel, official entertainment, inter-parliamentary meetings and roles

Under the publication scheme of the House of Commons and in the interests of transparency the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP, pro-actively publishes data covering many aspects of his role since he became Speaker in November 2019.


The Speaker’s Office aims to publish all the information listed below quarterly in pdf format (at the end of the month after the end of the relevant quarter). It will be published in chronological order within each financial year.


Please note that anything received or relevant activity undertaken by the Speaker in his constituency capacity will fall to be recorded in the Register of Members’ Financial Interests.


The gifts register records all gifts received by the Speaker in his role regardless of their value. As a representative of the House of Commons, the Speaker meets a number of international visitors, including Speakers and other Members of overseas Parliaments, Prime Ministers, and Heads of State.

During these meetings, gifts are sometimes exchanged. Some gifts are donated to the House. For any gifts which the Speaker wishes to keep and which have an estimated value greater than £300, a formal valuation is obtained, and the Speaker must pay the difference greater than £300.

Hospitality received

The hospitality register records hospitality offered to the Speaker from a third party not directly related to his parliamentary role which he accepts. For any hospitality accepted below a £300 limit the value of that hospitality will not be noted, however costs will be provided if the hospitality is worth more than £300.

Non-regular travel

The Speaker is an ambassador for the House of Commons and has a responsibility to explain and promote the work of the House, and to represent it at high-profile state events and inter-parliamentary conferences.

Regular inter-parliamentary conferences and meetings the Speaker is expected to attend include the G7 Speakers Conference, the G20 Speaker’s Conference, the Commonwealth Speakers and Presiding Officers Conference, the European Speakers Conference (Council of Europe), the Speakers of the Isles meeting and the Quad meeting of Speakers of the United Kingdom.

For more detail see Conferences of Parliamentary Speakers and Presidents.

To meet these responsibilities, any necessary transport and accommodation arrangements are made and paid for by the Speaker's Office.

Official entertainment

The Speaker's Office holds a budget for official entertainment purposes and events hosted by the Speaker, often in the State Apartments of Speaker’s House. This ranges from dinners for international Speakers and Presidents to events for the whole parliamentary community (including Members, staff and press) to celebrate religious festivals or House-wide initiatives.

Inter-parliamentary meetings sponsored by the Speaker

This register reflects the activity sponsored by the Speaker as part of his soft-diplomacy work and paid for from Speaker’s the Office budget. These meetings or events might not be held in Speaker’s House or even in Westminster. It includes yearly conferences or various international events sponsored by the Speaker when it is the turn of the UK Speaker to hold such meetings on a rota basis.

See information above under Non-regular travel.

Additional positions that the Speaker holds

This register reflects the roles the Speaker has undertaken above and beyond those in the House, Chamber or statutory roles.  It records roles that the Speaker has agreed to undertake ex-officio, has volunteered to continue from his predecessors and those he may have been asked to do since becoming Speaker and has taken up because they align with his personal interests and those he wishes to promote during his Speakership.

This section also includes roles the Speaker holds in his constituency capacity but which are relevant to his work as Speaker.





