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Girls breaking barriers: Lords Chamber Event 2018

On Friday 16 November, 200 young people from across the UK had their say in the House of Lords Chamber on the some of the key barriers facing young women and girls in the UK and around the world.

Participants debated the motion ‘How can we ensure that girls and young women are able to achieve their potential in the UK and around the world?', with four key issues in the spotlight:

  • Education
  • Representation
  • Street harassment
  • Relationships and sex education and information

Chairing the debate were two Lords deputy speakers, Baroness McIntosh of Hudnall and Baroness Pitkeathley. They preside over House of Lords business in the chamber. 

Participants attended from nine schools from all four UK nations. This was the seventh annual Lords intergenerational debate, this year part of Parliament Week 2018.

The event was livestreamed on the House of Lords Facebook page.

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