House of Lords Management Board Papers 2010
View agendas, minutes and other papers published in 2010.
The Board generally meets twice a month except during August. The minutes are published once they have been agreed by correspondence.
22 November 2010
12th Meeting
20 October 2010
11th Meeting
- Agenda and Papers (pdf 3.4MB) (pdf 3.4MB) (pdf 3.4MB) (pdf 3.4MB) (pdf 3.4MB) (pdf 3.4MB) (pdf 3.4MB)
- Minutes (pdf 60KB)
13 September
Management Board Awayday
- Agenda (pdf 55KB) (PDF, 55KB)
28 July 2010
10th Meeting
- Agenda (pdf 50KB) (PDF, 51KB)
- Minutes (pdf 59KB) (PDF, 60KB)
- Catering Group: terms of reference (pdf 43KB) (PDF, 43KB)
- Parliamentary Estates Directorate: Summer works 2010 (pdf 49KB) (PDF, 50KB)
- Staff in post (pdf 53KB) (PDF, 54KB)
- Period 3 Finance Report (pdf 116KB) (PDF, 116KB)
- Annex 1 and 2, Quarter 1, Management Board Report (pdf 15KB) (PDF, 16KB)
7 July 2010
9th Meeting
- Agenda (pdf 46KB) (PDF, 46KB)
- Minutes (pdf 62KB) (PDF, 62KB)
- Investment in People and staff survey update (pdf 68KB) (PDF, 69KB)
- Communications with Members (pdf 60KB) (PDF, 61KB)
- Members Communications Framework (pdf 32KB) (PDF, 32KB)
- Visual identity guidelines (pdf 54KB) (PDF, 54KB)
- Governance of the internet and intranet: Progress report (pdf 116KB) (PDF, 117KB)
- Group on Information for the Public: Annual report (pdf 110KB) (PDF, 110KB)
16 June 2010
8th Meeting
- Agenda (pdf 52KB) (PDF, 52KB)
- Minutes (pdf 59KB) (PDF, 60KB)
- Information Management Strategy 2010-2013 (pdf 267KB) (PDF, 267KB)
- Period 12 Finance Report (pdf 417KB) (PDF, 12KB)
- Annex 1 and 2, Period 12, Management Board Paper (pdf 12KB) (PDF, 12KB)
- Mobility of staff (pdf 54KB) (PDF, 54KB)
- Delivering business change through ICT in 2010-11 (pdf 67KB) (PDF, 68KB)
- Information Risk & Data Security Update (pdf 48KB) (PDF, 49KB)
26 May 2010
7th Meeting
- Agenda (pdf 45KB) (PDF, 45KB)
- Minutes (pdf 60KB) (PDF, 61KB)
- Information Security Update (pdf 67KB) (PDF, 68KB)
- Records Management in the House of Lords: Results of the Compliance Audit 2009-10 (pdf 68KB) (PDF, 68KB)
- Staff Survey 2010 (pdf 56KB) (PDF, 57KB)
- House of Lords 2010 All Staff Survey Narrative Report (pdf 1.1MB) (pdf 1.1MB) (pdf 1.1MB) (pdf 1.1MB) (pdf 1.1MB) (pdf 1.1MB) (pdf 1.1MB) (PDF, 1131KB)
- Investors in People Healthcheck (pdf 58KB) (PDF, 58KB)
- Refreshment Department Profitability Sub-Group: 4th report (pdf 50KB) (PDF, 51KB)
10 May 2010
6th Meeting
- Agenda (pdf 40KB) (PDF, 41KB)
- Minutes (pdf 54KB) (PDF, 54KB)
21 April 2010
5th Meeting
- Agenda (pdf 45KB) (PDF, 54KB)
- Minutes (pdf 60KB) (PDF, 61KB)
- Information Management: Strategic issues and update on the action plan (pdf 242KB) (PDF, 242KB)
- Introducing a Parliamentary ICT strategy for 2010-2015: assumptions and principles (pdf 88KB) (PDF, 88KB)
- Freedom of Information publication scheme (pdf 54KB) (PDF, 54KB)
- Accommodation Strategy Workstreams (pdf 54KB) (PDF, 54KB)
- Meeting room bookings (pdf 193KB) (PDF, 193KB)
- Proposals in party manifestoes relating to the House of Lords (pdf 72KB) (PDF, 73KB)
- Project on Performance Management (pdf 57KB) (PDF, 58KB)
- Millbank Island site: cabling (pdf 64KB) (PDF, 64KB)