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Lord Speaker's Lectures

The Lord Speaker’s Lecture series has run since 2010, providing members of the House of Lords and external experts with a forum to deliver lectures and answer questions on their specialist subjects or topics of interest.

The lectures are open to members of both Houses and staff to highlight expert opinion, create discussion and enable the exchange of information.

The Lord Speaker with Professor Graham Walker and Dr David Torrance

Recent lectures

U.S. Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy: On 19 March, Dr Murthy and Baroness Kidron discussed the need to address the growing youth mental health crisis, the risk that social media use can pose, and how social connection can improve our overall well-being. Watch the lecture on YouTube. 

Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon: Doreen Lawrence was in conversation with Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws to mark International Women's Day 2024. Baroness Lawrence reflected on her life and the barriers she has overcome whilst seeking justice and equality. She discussed her experiences speaking truth to powerful public institutions and the obstacles she overcame to set up the Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation. 

Holocaust Memorial Day 2024: Chief Executive of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust Olivia Marks-Woldman introduced Baroness Helic, Lord Dubs and Antoinette Mutabazi in a panel event to mark Holocaust Memorial Day in January 2024. Baroness Helic began by reflecting on her experiences in Bosnia-Herzegovina, before Lord Dubs and Antoinette Mutabazi spoke about their own experiences surviving the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide. 

Julia Gillard: The former Prime Minister (2010-13) of Australia and current chair of the Wellcome Trust took part in an 'in conversation' event with Baroness Manningham-Buller on 8 November 2023. Conversation ranged over her childhood in south Wales, her experiences in Australian politics, the Wellcome Trust's support for scientific research and her thoughts on issues including pandemic disease, artificial intelligence, social media regulation and improving the representation of women in politics.

Alastair Campbell and Sir Charles Walker MP: A double-headed lecture on 5 July 2023 heard from the podcaster, campaigner and former 10 Downing Street director of communications Alastair Campbell and the MP for Broxbourne Sir Charles Walker. In an event entitled 'Mental Health Matters: Turning Talk into Action', the pair discussed their own experiences with mental health problems and set out proposals for legislative and societal change to enhance support for those affected. 

Professor Sharon Peacock: In a lecture on 8 March 2023 (International Women’s Day), the Cambridge University professor of public health and microbiology addressed the River Room on the subject ‘Sequencing & Pandemics: catch them if you can’. Drawing on her experience during the recent pandemic as director of the UK’s Covid-19 Genomics Consortium and her deep knowledge of pathogen genomics and antibiotic resistance, Prof Peacock discussed how we can prepare for future outbreaks of novel diseases.

Professor Mariana Mazzucato: The University College London professor in the economics of innovation and public value delivered a ‘Women in Economic Affairs’ lecture on 5 December 2022. She took for her subject:Building Forwards Much Better: A directed growth approach . 

Professor Stuart Russell: On 18 October 2022, the professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley, delivered a lecture on the subject of artificial intelligence. Under the title ‘AI: Promise and Peril’, Prof Russell addressed the productivity boost which AI may deliver, but also discussed concerns about the spread of disinformation and the need for a legislative framework to prevent harmful use.

Jonathan Powell and Lord Jay of Ewelme: On 6 June 2022, the Lord Speaker’s Lecture took the form of an on-stage conversation on the issue ‘Conflict and Peacekeeping: Why we should talk to terrorists’. Mr Powell offered insights from his experience as chief British negotiator in Northern Irish peace talks, special envoy to Libya and founder of the Inter Mediate charity for negotiation and mediation. The former 10 Downing Street chief of staff was in discussion with crossbench peer Lord Jay, a former ambassador to France and minister at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Lord Reed of Allermuir: The serving President of the Supreme Court took as his theme for his lecture on 24 May 2022 ‘Lions under the throne: the rule of law in our democracy’. Lord Reed discussed how the courts support Parliamentary democracy and the way in which our reputation for adherence to the rule of law, and consequent stability, underpin national prosperity. 

Baroness Grey-Thompson: The Paralympian Tanni Grey-Thompson delivered the ‘Women in Sport’ lecture on 9 March 2022. Lady Grey-Thompson, who won 16 Paralympics medals for wheelchair racing over five Games between 1988-2004, addressed the question ‘Seize the Day: Sports and Politics: How far apart are they?’ 

Lord Robertson of Port Ellen and Tom Tugendhat: Former Defence Secretary and Nato Secretary General Lord Robertson joined MP and British Army officer Mr Tugendhat on stage on 9 February 2022 for a conversation on the theme ‘After Afghanistan: What future for NATO?’ . The event took place during Mr Tugendhat’s tenure as chair of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee and shortly before his appointment as Security Minister in the Home Office.

Professor Graham Walker and Dr David Torrance: On 24 November 2021, the Lord Speaker’s Lecture took the form of an on-stage conversation on the subject 'Northern Ireland: The UK’s first example of devolution'. Taking part were Graham Walker, emeritus professor in history at Queen’s University Belfast and House of Commons Library clerk and researcher in Northern Ireland issues Dr David Torrance.

Baroness Hale of Richmond: The former President of the Supreme Court – and the first female holder of the role – delivered a ‘Women in the Law’ lecture on 26 October 2021. Lady Hale reflected on the history of Women in the Law and what progress is still to be made 100 years on. The lecture was the first in a series inaugurated by Lord McFall on the theme of “Women in…” It was the first lecture to be held in person since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. 

Events under previous Lord Speakers have included:

Image: House of Lords / Roger Harris

Contact the Lord Speaker

The Rt Hon the Lord McFall of Alcluith

House of Lords

Journalists should contact Lucy Dargahi, Senior Communications Officer

River Room

The Lord Speaker welcomes the use of the River Room for receptions on behalf of UK-registered charities or cross-party parliamentary events sponsored by members of the Lords