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House of Lords Media Notice - December 2012


Would an independent Scotland end the UK's nuclear deterrent?
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Lord West of Spithead will be questioned by the Lords Economic Affairs Committee

Police Complaints Bill may not fulfil its objectives
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Lords Constitution Committee publishes its report on the Bill

Dieter Helm questioned on EU energy policies
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Committee will also hold an earlier session with CoalPro and the European Climate Foundation

House of Lords Select Committee to look at intergenerational fairness
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Peers will question representatives and academics, including the TUC, BT and the LSE

Lords debate plan to combat an uncertain future for water resources
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The debate follows the publication of a Committee report and a new EU Water Policy Blueprint

Lords to quiz Michael Heseltine on Small and Medium Enterprises Exports
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Lord Heseltine will appear before the Committee investigating SME exports to talk about his report on growth

Lords EU Committee warn banking union could marginalise the UK
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Government need to fight for the future of the City

Lords to host 'Big Care Debate' as chamber is opened up to young people and the University of the Third Age
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First time the Lords chamber has been used for an intergenerational debate

Lords media inquiry converges on Europe
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Robert Madelin, European Commission Director-General for Communications Networks, talks to peers about media convergence

Lords Committee to quiz SNP's John Swinney on economics of Scottish independence
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Scottish Government's Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable growth will be questioned by peers

Lords select Committee to hear from the Institute for Fiscal Studies and Centre for Policy Studies
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Representatives will be questioned about how Britain can cope with the economic impact of an ageing society

Lords Committee to question Oliver Letwin about Government consultation principles
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Minister for Government Policy will be quizzed on what changes mean for the public

Draft Bill must be 'significantly amended' to deliver only necessary data that law enforcement needs, say MPs and peers
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Home Secretary should not be given carte blanche to order retention of any type of data under draft communications data bill, says joint committee

Government must go into battle for the City of London on Banking Union, warn Lords Committee
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The proposals threaten to fragment the single market, the European Central Bank must be accountable for its actions and tomorrow's EU Summit will be critical

Gas and EU energy investment experts appear before Lords
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Committee will hear from representatives of the European Investment Bank

Lords EU Commitee to take evidence on EU External Action Service
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Representative from The African Foundation for Development will appear before peers

Lords to question Michael Moore on economics of Scottish independence
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Peers will also question former Bank of England Deputy Governor

Lords Science Committee to take evidence on the manufacture of regenerative treatments
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Witnesses include the CEO of the new Cell Therapy Catapult Centre

Lords talk convergence to TalkTalk and RadioCentre
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Witnesses will answer questions on the Committee's inquiry on media convergence

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