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House of Lords Media Notices - February 2012


Unified Patent Court
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords Committee quiz Intellectual Property Minister

Lords Constitution Committee to quiz Nick Clegg
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Lords to quiz Nick Clegg on constitutional change, devolution and Lords reform

Lords back UK Government's stance on powers of Scottish Parliament to call independence referendum
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Lords Constitution Committee calls for a single question referendum with no ‘devolution-max' option

European water expert gives evidence to Lords
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Frédéric de Hemptinne speaks to peers as part of their inquiry into EU freshwater policy

Lords welcome Government commitment to develop new long-term nuclear strategy
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Government respond to Lords Science and Technology Committee's report on nuclear R&D capabilities to agree to produce a Strategy and Research and Development ‘Roadmap'

Lords EU Comittee considers that fiscal compact agreement could be brought within the EU treaties
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Committee calls for Government to outline safeguards sought at December's European Council

WWF AND Environment Agency give evidence to the Lords
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Representatives from WWF and the Environment Agency will be quizzed by Lords in their investigation into EU freshwater policy

EU agricultural policy could be “obsolete overnight”
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Peers say that proposed reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy “show a lack of ambition” and must go further to future-proof the EU's agricultural industry

Government agrees changes to the Health and Social Care Bill
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Lords Constitution Committee welcomes the Government's decision to back its amendment on ministerial responsibility for the NHS

Constitution Committee welcome government agreement to their changes to the Health and Social Care Bill
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Government back Committee's amendment on ministerial responsibility for the NHS

Peers probe industry giants on higher education in science subjects
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Microsoft Ltd, GlaxoSmithKline, Siemens and Rolls-Royce among those to give evidence to Lords in their inquiry into science, technology, engineering and maths subjects in higher education

Audit Market
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU Commission to answer to Lords following the publication of the Committee's report into the British market for large-firm audit

EU representatives appear before Lords in freshwater inquiry
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Two EU Commission officials will be quizzed by peers as part of their inquiry into EU freshwater policy

New inquiry into Scottish Independence
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Lords committee to investigate economic implications for the UK of Scottish independence

Sowing the seeds
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords debate Committee's report on innovation in EU agriculture

Patient's safety still not secured, say Lords
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New EU proposals do not protect UK patients

A secure future for investigative journalism
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Responsible investigative journalism is vital to our democracy and changes should enable it to flourish in the future, rather than being rooted in the past

Lords to press EU Commissioner on Financial Transaction Tax
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Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta, will face questions from the Lords EU Economic and Financial Affairs and International Trade Sub-Committee