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European water expert gives evidence to Lords

Frédéric de Hemptinne, principal consultant with the Sustainable Synergies Group (SSG), will give evidence via video-link to the Lords Agriculture, Environment and Fisheries EU Sub-Committee on Wednesday 8 February in the eighth session of their inquiry into EU freshwater policy.

Mr de Hemptinne will be speaking to the Committee in his capacity as an expert in the area of EU policy.  Prior to setting up SSG, Mr de Hemptinne was head of external relations at the European Water Association (EWA), an independent organisation dealing with the management and improvement of the water environment.

The Committee will quiz Mr de Hemptinne on issues such as:

  • his knowledge and experience of the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) across the EU;
  • whether he considers the WFD's requirements are flexible enough for conditions in the UK and other Member States; and
  • his opinions on current CAP measures for water protection and whether he thinks the CAP reform proposals of October 2011 contain adequate environmental safeguards.

The evidence session will take place on Wednesday 8 February at 11.00am in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

The evidence session is open to media and the public. Please allow time for security screening.

The evidence session will also be broadcast live on Parliament TV.