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WWF AND Environment Agency give evidence to the Lords

The World Wildlife Fund's (WWF) Senior Policy Officer and the Chairman of the Environment Agency will be amongst those sharing their views on the EU's freshwater policy when they appear, with colleagues, before the Lords Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment EU Sub-Committee on Wednesday 15 February.

At 11am, the Committee will hear from the following representatives from WWF:

  • Sergey Moroz, Senior Policy Officer, European Policy Office; and
  • Dr Rose Timlett, Freshwater Programme Manager (UK Rivers), WWF-UK.

Mr Moroz will be appearing via video-link from Brussels, whilst Dr Timlett will be in London.

At 12 noon, representatives from the Environment Agency will give evidence:

  • Lord Chris Smith, Chairman;
  • Ian Barker, Head of Land and Water; and
  • David Baxter, Head of Catchment Management and Water Framework Directive (WFD).

The witnesses will be quizzed by the Committee on issues such as:

  • the main challenges presented by implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive and whether its aims are realistic;
  • the prospects for effective involvement of wider groups of society in the management of water resources;
  • the relationship between the water environment, ecosystem protection and land-use controls; and
  • the seriousness of the risk of water scarcity both in the UK and across the EU.

The evidence sessions will take place on Wednesday 15 February from 11.00am in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

The evidence session is open to media and the public. Please allow time for security screening.

The evidence session will also be broadcast live on Parliament TV.

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