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House of Lords Media Notices - January 2012



Lords Reform Committee to Hear From Former Lord Speaker
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Joint Committee on the Draft House of Lords Reform Bill will next week hear evidence from Baroness Hayman, the former Lord Speaker, Paul Murphy MP, Lord Cormack and representatives of the Campaign for a Democratic Upper House.

Lords to quiz Ken Clarke on EU law
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Justice Secretary to answer questions on EU criminal procedure

Lords to Quiz Gerald Howarth on EU Military Capabilities
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Minister for International Security, Gerald Howarth MP, will this week give evidence to the House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Development Policy as they consider the military capabilities available to the EU.

Lords hear from HEFCE and RCUK about the health of STEM education in the UK
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Higher Education Funding Council for England and Research Councils UK give their verdict on the health of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths higher education

Lords Constitution Committee to hear from Ken Clarke and Lord McNally on appointing Judges
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords Constitution Committee will hear evidence from Ken Clarke and Lord McNally in the final evidence session of their inquiry into the judicial appointments process

University Challenge: Lords hear from Universities Minister
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

David Willetts, Universities Minister, gives evidence to Lords

Registering for the right to vote
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Peers to debate the Government's policy on electoral registration

Water charity chief gives evidence to Lords
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The Director of Rivers Trust will be questioned by Peers in their inquiry into EU freshwater policy

Lords probe university chiefs
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Lords probe university chiefs on how the EU can help modernise higher education

Voters in queue at close of polls should be allowed to vote
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Law should be changed before 2015 say Lords Constitution Committee

How green is this Government?
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords to debate the Government's green agenda

Brick by Brick
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords to debate Government's housing strategy

Lords EU Committee to Investigate Euro Areas Crisis
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

The House of Lords EU Committee is holding a short inquiry into the euro area crisis and the proposed ‘fiscal compact' treaty.

What is the impact of development aid?
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Committee to quiz independent body on the effectiveness of aid

European University Association gives evidence to Peers
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lesley Wilson, Secretary General of the EUA, talks to the Lords as part of their inquiry into the EU's contribution to the modernisation of higher education

Lords hear from Ofwat and Consumer Council for Water
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Representatives from the Government regulator and consumer body in EU freshwater inquiry

Building cities
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords to debate city growth and development