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Lords EU Committee to Investigate Euro Areas Crisis

The House of Lords EU Committee is holding a short inquiry into the euro area crisis and the proposed ‘fiscal compact' treaty. The Committee will launch the inquiry next week with an evidence session with David Lidington MP, Minister for Europe.  

The inquiry will focus on the ongoing euro area crisis, the 9 December European Council meeting, and the proposal for a treaty between up to 26 EU member states on budgetary discipline and greater economic policy coordination in the euro area, following the Prime Minister's decision to veto a suggested EU-wide treaty.

The short inquiry will include two evidence sessions. The first next week with David Lidington and then a session with Mr Giuliano Amato, former Prime Minister of Italy, on 23 January.

The evidence sessions will be held in the Committee Rooms at the House of Lords. The full details of the evidence sessions are:

Tuesday 17 January 4.10pm: Rt Hon David Lidington MP, Minister for Europe (Committee Room 3)

Monday 23 January 5pm: Mr Giuliano Amato, former Prime Minister of Italy and former Vice President of the Convention on the Future of Europe. (Committee Room 4)

As this is a short inquiry the Committee is not issuing a formal Call for Evidence but interested parties who wish to send evidence to the Committee can do so by Monday 23 January. Contact details for the Committee can be found on its website

Speaking ahead of the launch of the inquiry Lord Roper, Chairman of the Lords EU Select Committee, said:

“The current crisis in the euro area is having a profound impact on the British economy as well as on the countries who use the euro.

“Our short inquiry will consider how the crisis might be resolved, and the implications of the proposed ‘fiscal compact' treaty.

“We will take evidence from the British Government and from Giuliano Amato, who will be able to give us an insight into the euro area crisis from the perspective of one of the countries on its frontline.”

Notes to Editors

1. The evidence sessions are open to the public. If you wish to attend you should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and allow time for security screening.

2. You can watch the sessions live on the internet at

3. The European Union Committee considers EU documents and other EU-related matters in advance of decisions being taken on them. It aims to hold the Government to account for its actions at the EU level. It also undertakes inquiries on issues EU related issues.

4. The inquiry will build on work already done by the Committee's Sub-Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs and International Trade, including reports on the future of economic governance in the EU published in March 2011, and the EU financial supervisory framework, published in July 2011.

5. The Lords EU Select Committee is chaired by Lord Roper. To arrange interviews or other media activity with the Committee please contact Owen Williams on 44(0) 207 219 8659.