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Regulator and Government talk superfast broadband

In the final evidence session of its inquiry into superfast broadband the House of Lords Communications Committee will question Ofcom and the Government on Tuesday 19 June.

Having heard evidence from providers, academics and specialists on superfast broadband subjects including technical elements of roll out, consumer issues, delivery and policy, the Committee will put questions to the industry regulators and Ed Vaizey MP about developments within the industry and the future of broadband within the UK.

At 3.15pm, Ofcom's Competition Policy Director (David Clarkson) and Chief Technology Officer (Steven Unger) will answer the Committees questions about issues such as whether infrastructure ownership should be separated from service providers, the regulation of BT's new fibre networks and challenges to investment in the sector.

Immediately following, at 4.30pm, the Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries will face questions from the Committee about broadband delivery in the UK and the work that BDUK is undertaking. The Committee will ask about industry models & strategies, broadband roll out, and BDUKs procurement process. Mr Vaizey MP will be joined by Mr Robert Sullivan, CEO of BDUK.

The Committee will now review the evidence heard during the course of the inquiry and aim to report by August 2012.

The evidence sessions will take place in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords and will be webcast live at