Treasury under the Lords EU spotlight
The House of Lords EU Select Committee will hear from Treasury officials on Tuesday 6 March, as part of their inquiry into the EU Financial Framework from 2014.
The inquiry builds on the Committee's report published last year and is looking at the size and shape of the European Commission's detailed spending package proposals, and the Government's position on them.
The Committee will hear from three officials from HM Treasury:
• Mike Glycopantis, Deputy Director, International and Europe Group;
• Alex Skinner, Deputy Director, International and Europe Group, Head of the European Union Institutions and Policy (EUIP) Team; and
• Brendan Bayley, Head of Agriculture and Regional Policy Branch, EUIP Team.
The witnesses will be questioned on issues such as:
• the overall size and shape of the MFF in comparison to the current framework, and in light of the euro area crisis;
• whether the UK Government supports the Commission's efforts to tailor the MFF to the Europe 2020 strategy;
• how confident the Government is that the sizeable cut they would like to see to the Common Agricultural Policy's budget will occur; and
• whether the Government's proposition for the increase in the Justice and Home Affairs budget is in line with their long-term approach to the MFF.
The evidence sessions will take place on Tuesday 6 March at 4.10pm in Committee Room 4 of the House of Lords.
The evidence session is open to media and the public. Please allow time for security screening.
The evidence session will also be broadcast live on Parliament TV.