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Lords hear from BT and BSkyB

On Tuesday 13 November, in the fourth evidence session of their inquiry into media convergence, the Lords Communications Committee will put questions to BT and BSkyB.

Having previously heard from academics and competition specialists, the Committee will now explore the challenges and opportunities brought about by convergence for commercial providers of media and telecommunications services in the UK.

The witnesses will face questions about issues such as the impact of convergence on competition, content standards and content creation, and on how some of these might be resolved.

At 3.30pm, the Committee will hear from:

  • Sean Williams, Group Director of Strategy, Policy and Portfolio, BT.

Following on, at 4.30pm, the Committee will question the following representatives from BSkyB:

• David Wheeldon, Director of Policy and Public Affairs; and
• Alan Sewell, Chief Economist.

The evidence session will take place at 3.30pm on Tuesday 13 November in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords and will be webcast live at

The evidence session is also open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.

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