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Information Commissioner to be quizzed by MPs and Peers

The Joint Committee of MPs and Peers undertaking pre-legislative scrutiny of the Draft Communications Data Bill will be questioning witnesses on Tuesday 16 and Wednesday 17 October.

On Tuesday, Christopher Graham, Information Commissioner, will appear before the Committee.

The Committee are likely to question Mr Graham on issues including:

  • public confidence in the regulation of surveillance and the problem of finding out which organisations are required to retain communications data;
  • the legality of police forces accessing mobile phones on arrest to gain access to information; and
  • any additional powers he would like the Information Commissioner to be granted under the draft Bill.

The Committee will also hear from Sir Paul Kennedy, Interception of Communications Commissioner and Joanna Cavan, Chief Inspector of  the Interception of Communications Commission on Tuesday afternoon.

They will be followed, on Wednesday, by evidence sessions with:

  • Jamie Bartlett, Head of the Violence and Extremism Programme, Demos; and
  • Lord Carlile of Berriew, former Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation.

On Tuesday 16 October, the evidence sessions will begin at approximately 3pm and will take place in Committee Room 4A. The Information Commissioner's evidence session is expected to start at 4pm.

On Wednesday 17 October, the evidence sessions will begin at approximately 3pm and will take place in Committee Room 2.

The evidence sessions will be webcast live at

The evidence sessions are also open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.