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Lords Committee on the Finance Bill to quiz Treasury and HMRC officials

The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee Sub-Committee on the Finance Bill will next week hold its final evidence session of the current inquiry with senior officials from The Treasury and HM Revenue and Customs.

The Lords Economic Affairs Committee appoints a Sub-Committee each year to explore provisions in the Finance Bill relating to tax administration, clarification and simplification, it does not consider rates or incidence of tax.

This year the Committee will focus on the theme of dealing with the avoidance of tax. It will look in detail at the new General Anti-Abuse Rule (GAAR) and try to identify how effective it is likely to be in addressing various types of tax avoidance recently highlighted in the media. 

The evidence session will start at 2.35pm on Monday 4 February in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords. The witness will be:

  • Judith Knott, Director, Corporation Tax International Anti-Avoidance, HM Revenue and Customs; and
  • Mike Williams, Director, Business International Tax, HM Treasury.

The evidence session will be webcast live at and is open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.

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