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Inquiry into the implications of coalition government to hear from constitutional experts

The House of Lords Constitution Committee will this week take evidence from academic experts as part of its inquiry into the constitutional implications of coalition government.

The Committee will take evidence from Professor Robert Hazell, Director of the Constitution Unit at University College London, Barry Winetrobe, Honorary Research Associate at the Constitution Unit, and Dr Ruth Fox, Director of the Hansard Society.

The witnesses are likely to be asked whether the UK's constitutional arrangements are suitable for coalition government and whether the workings of the current coalition have led to departures from established constitutional practice. The committee is also likely to explore whether coalition governments have the same democratic legitimacy as single-party governments, how a coalition government affects the principle of collective responsibility and whether political parties should take more account of the possibility of coalition government in their manifestos.

The evidence session will start at 10.30am on Wednesday 16 October in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

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