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Peers explore jobs and growth potential of EU energy sector

The Lords Agriculture, Fisheries, Environment and Energy EU Sub-Committee will quiz an economic commentator and energy economist on EU energy and growth as part of their current inquiry, on Wednesday 16 January.

Martin Wolf, economics commentator for the Financial Times and Dimitri Zenghelis, energy economist at the London School of Economics, Chatham House and Cisco, will answer the Committee's questions on issues such as:

  • why an economic crisis is the best time to make investment in green energy;
  • whether investment in energy can drive growth and jobs in the wider economy;
  • how future investment can be financed and the role of public investment banks;
  • the role the EU has to play in creating policy that will boost investment; and
  • which policy tools the EU should use to encourage low carbon investment in the energy sector. 

The evidence session will take place at 11am on Wednesday 16 January in Committee Room 3A of the House of Lords and will be webcast live at

The evidence session is also open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.

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