Lords quiz media plurality specialists
On Tuesday 18 June, the House of Lords Communications Committee will question two specialists in the second evidence session of its new inquiry looking at the challenges of media plurality.
At 3.30pm, the committee will hear from Professor Richard Collins, City, Huddersfield and the Open universities. He will be followed at 4.30pm by Professor Steven Barnett, University of Westminster.
Both Lord Justice Leveson's report and Ofcom's advice to the Secretary of State ultimately left it to Parliament to give guidance on some of the controversial debates surrounding media plurality.
One of these debates is naturally about which policy interventions should be in the toolbox to support a diversity of views in news and current affairs. The options are diverse, including ownership caps, behavioural rules and positive interventions to encourage more news provision.
The witnesses are likely to offer contrasting views on this debate and will be quizzed on issues including why media plurality matters, whether it is under threat and what its prospects might be and what a review of plurality should include.
The evidence sessions will take place on Tuesday 18 June at 3.30pm in Committee Room 2.