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Lords EU Committee to hear from experts on EU plans for Genuine Economic and Monetary Union

The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs will next week take evidence from leading academic and economic analysts on European Commission plans for Genuine Economic and Monetary Union (GEMU).

The Committee will hear from Professor Paul de Grauwe from the London School of Economics and Megan Greene, Chief Economist at Maverick Intelligence  from 10:50am on Tuesday 4 June in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords.

The Committee will explore how realistic the European Commission's plans for GEMU are, whether the proposals will be sufficient to break the link between bank and sovereign debt, the effect of deeper economic policy coordination between Euro-area countries, and what the impact on the operation of the single market will be. The Committee will also consider what the impact of all of this will be for the UK's place within the EU.