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Lords Committee to take evidence from Cuadrilla on shale gas

The House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee will next week take evidence from companies hoping to develop shale gas and oil drilling in the UK or to process shale gas in petrochemical plants

Giving evidence will be representatives of Cuadrilla,- the company whose site in Balcombe was the centre of recent anti-fracking protests, IGas Energy and INEOS.

The Committee will question the witnesses on the scope for commercial shale gas extraction and use in the UK, which areas of the UK are most likely to produce shale gas, and when production might start.  The session will also cover possible safety risks associated with fracking and what the companies intend to do to minimise these risks.

Giving evidence to the Committee will be:

  • Francis Egan, CEO, Cuadrilla
  • Andrew Austin, CEO, IGas Energy
  • Tom Crotty, Director, INEOS
  • Andrew Mackenzie, Gas Procurement Manager, INEOS

The evidence session will start at 3.35 pm on Tuesday 5 November in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

The session will be webcast at and is also open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.

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