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How can the EU and UK Government tackle youth unemployment?

On Monday 28 October a House of Lords EU Sub-Committee holds its first evidence session of a new inquiry into EU measures to tackle youth unemployment

Senior officials from different Government departments will be giving evidence to the EU Sub Committee on the Internal Market, Infrastructure and Employment, and will be asked how seriously the Government is taking the issue of young jobless people in the EU and here in the UK.

Angus Gray from the Department of Work and Pensions, and Bill Wells from the Department of Business Innovation and Skills, are the first witnesses to give evidence to the Lords' inquiry.

The Committee is investigating the soaring levels of unemployment amongst young people in Europe, and examining whether the EU's multibillion euro proposals to reduce youth joblessness are the most effective use of taxpayer resources.

The witnesses will also be asked other questions, including:

  • How are EU actions for young people being interpreted and delivered in the UK?
  • Is the emphasis on those not in employment, education, or training (NEETs) the right one?
  • What type of work do they expect to see EU funds being used for?
  • Are there models from other EU countries that the UK Government would like to learn from or adopt?
  • What is the UK Government's view of the encouragement of migration between high and low unemployment areas across the EU?

The evidence session will start at 4.15 pm on Monday 28 October in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

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