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Committee to hear from TUC and British Chamber of Commerce on Deregulatin Bill

The Joint Committee on the Draft Deregulation Bill will on Monday take evidence from a range of organisations including the Trade Union Congress, the British Chambers of Commerce, the Federation of Small Business and English Heritage.

The Committee, made up of Members of the House of Commons and House of Lords, has been formed to scrutinise the Government's Draft Deregulation Bill and make recommendations for its improvement.

The draft Bill gives new powers to Ministers to disapply by order regulation ‘no longer of practical use' and requires regulators to have regard to the impact on economic growth when proposing new regulation.

The evidence sessions will start at 4:10pm on Monday 21 October in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords. The full details are:


Wendy Hewitt, Acting Legal Director and Ian Acheson, Chief Operating Officer, Equality and Human Rights Commission.
Sarah Veale, Head of Equality and Employment Rights. Trades Union Congress.
Mike Spicer, Head of Research, British Chambers of Commerce.
Jenny Williams, Chief Executive and Matthew Hill, Director of Strategy, Research and Analysis, Gambling Commission.


Graeme Fisher, Head of Policy, Federation of Small Business.
Richard Jones, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Institute of Occupational Safety and Health.
Gay Moon, Special Legal Advisor, Equality and Diversity Forum.
Michael Harlow, Governance and Legal Director, English Heritage.

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