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Immigration and Security Minister to answer Lords' questions on Extradition Law

James Brokenshire MP, Minister for Immigration and Security at the Home Office, will be among witnesses quizzed by the House of Lords Select Committee on Extradition Law on Wednesday 16 July.

In the first session, at 10.40am, the Committee will question:

  • Jago Russell, Chief Executive of Fair Trials International;
  • Jacqueline Minor, Head of Representation at the London Office of the European Commission; and
  • Professor John R Spencer, Professor of Law at Cambridge University.

The Committee plans to explore with the first panel issues including the European Arrest Warrant (EAW), the UK's recent negotiations over EU Justice and Home Affairs measures, and how the EAW can deliver more efficient extradition while ensuring that strict standards of justice are maintained.

Then, at 11.30am, the Committee will take evidence from Immigration and Security Minister, James Brokenshire. As well as putting questions to the Minister about the EAW, Members will ask the Minister about the role that the Home Office plays in developing UK extradition policy, recent changes to extradition legislation, the UK's extradition arrangements with the US, and what effects changes to legal aid and the appeals procedure have had on extradition.

The evidence sessions will take place on Wednesday 16 July at 10.40am in Committee Room 4 of the House of Lords.

The session will be webcast at and is also open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.

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