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UK-US Extradition Treaty in the spotlight as Lords question US legal experts

The House of Lords Select Committee on Extradition Law will question experts on the US justice system, as well as a representative of an advocacy organisation, on Wednesday 23 July, as part of their ongoing inquiry.

The UK has a longstanding history of trusted extradition arrangements with the US, although they have come under heavy scrutiny in more recent times as a result of high-profile extradition cases including those of Abu Hamza and Gary McKinnon.

In the first session, at 10.10am, the Committee will question:

  • Roger Burlingame, Kobre & Kim LLP and a former US Prosecutor; and
  • Isabella Sankey, Director of Policy at Liberty.

The Committee plans to explore with the first panel issues including whether the UK-US Extradition Treaty is balanced; the processes involved in extraditing an individual from the US, and how this compares to processes in the UK; and if the UK-US extradition arrangements are fit for purpose in an era of international, cross-border crime. The Committee will also follow up on comments about the justice system in the US made in earlier evidence by Sir Scott Baker who said:

“There are certainly features of the American criminal justice system that are unattractive to UK residents. Their plea-bargaining is a great deal more vigorous … It is very unsatisfactory to see people who have been extradited for white-collar crime being led off in chains from the aircraft by US marshals. The prison conditions, in some instances, leave a great deal to be desired. However, the bottom line on all of this is: are we satisfied that individuals can have a fair trial in the United States or whatever other country it may be?”

Following on, at 11.30am, the Committee will question via videolink Amy Jeffress, former Department of Justice Attaché to the US Embassy in London, and currently Partner at Arnold & Porter in Washington DC.  

She will face questions from the Committee including:

  • Why do you think the British public is so concerned about extradition arrangements with the US?
  • Is it valid to criticise the US for seeking to extradite people who have committed crimes while in countries outside the US?
  • How do effective extradition arrangements support the UK's broader engagement with the US on matters of security?
  • How do UK and US prosecutors work together, and should this process be more transparent?

The evidence sessions will take place on Wednesday 23 July at 10.10am in Committee Room 2 of the House of Lords.

The session will be webcast at and is also open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.

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