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Trade and Investment Minister gives evidence to Lords Committee investigating EU/US trade deal

The House of Lords Committee investigating the prospective trade deal between the EU and the US will quiz Lord Livingston of Parkhead, Minister for Trade and Investment, on Thursday 20 March.

The House of Lords EU Sub-Committee on External Affairs will question him on the progress so far of the talks, how a deal would eventually be put to the European Parliament and national parliaments for approval, and how the UK is working alongside other EU Member States.

The Committee is holding an inquiry to look at the benefits and risks, both to the EU and the UK, of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), negotiations on which were launched last year.

Other questions the Minister may face include:

  • What is your latest estimate of the likely timetable for reaching agreement? Is there a point beyond which one might conclude the negotiations have stalled?
  • How would the European Parliament and national parliaments be involved in approving an agreement?
  • Is it likely that TTIP will encompass financial services regulatory matters?
  • What stance will the UK take on the inclusion of investment protection provisions?
  • Are concerns warranted about investment and jobs being lost to the US if tariffs and regulatory barriers are reduced?
  • How do you intend to go about informing interested parties and the public about your stance towards the TTIP?

The evidence session will take place at 10.05am on Thursday 20 March in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

The session will be webcast at and is also open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.

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