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Lords to question Alistair Carmichael and Lord Wallace of Tankerness on Scottish independence

The House of Lords Constitution Committee will this week take evidence from Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael MP and Advocate General for Scotland Lord Wallace of Tankerness.

The Committee will question the witnesses on a range of issues for its inquiry into the constitutional implications of Scottish independence for the rest of the UK. Areas likely to be covered include:

  • What plans the Government are making for the constitutional implications of a ‘yes' vote in the referendum?
  • Do the UK Government view the timetable for independence in the event of a ‘yes' vote (independence by 24 March 2016) as binding? What would happen if the negotiating teams could not reach an agreement?
  • Would the UK negotiating team contain persons other than Government Ministers?
  • Would Scottish MPs have to leave the House of Commons on independence day? How would they be removed?
  • What legislation would be required in Westminster to allow negotiations to begin? What would be required to ratify the outcome of the negotiations?
  • What legal principles should apply to negotiations on the division of assets and liabilities (such as the national debt) that are currently UK wide?
  • Does the UK Government accept that there could be some ‘shared services' following Scottish independence?

The evidence session will start at 10.30am on Wednesday 12 March in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

The session will be webcast at and is also open to the public. Journalists wishing to attend should go to Parliament's Cromwell Green Entrance and should allow time for security screening.

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