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House of Lords Media Notices - December 2015


How do we increase diversity in Parliament? Lords opens chamber for intergenerational debate
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Event to feature over 200 participants across a range of age groups

Lords questions former Attorney General on repeal of Human Rights Act
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords EU Justice Sub-Committee will question the Rt Hon Lord Peter Goldsmith QC

Lords to quiz Amazon, Airbnb and Uber on internet competition
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords inquiry into online platforms to ask if regulation is needed

‘I was made to feel a nuisance' – Lords to hear what it's like to fight disability discrimination
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Committee investigating Equality Act 2010 hears from disabled people and carers

Education Secretary and Skills Minister questioned on social mobility for school leavers
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

House of Lords Select Committee on Social Mobility will question the Rt Hon Nicky Morgan MP

Sharing DNA and fingerprint data across EU is in national interest, say Lords
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU Home Affairs sub-committee produces report on the Prüm proposals

What do unions and businesses think of the Government's EU reform plans?
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords Committee investigating the Government's EU reform proposals

Senior economists to give evidence to Lords Committee investigating economic and monetary union in the EU
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords EU Committee also to hear from former vice-president of European Commission

What are the root causes of agricultural price volatility? Lords to ask experts
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords EU Committee on Energy and the Environment to begin its inquiry

Can we build enough new houses without risking further floods? Lords Committee to ask Environment Agency
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Built Environment Committee to take evidence in the wake of Storm Desmond

Lords Constitution Committee to hear a full day of evidence in Edinburgh
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

MSPs Fiona Hyslop, Claire Baker and Baroness Goldie among those to talk to the Committee

Lords to quiz two Government Ministers about online platforms
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords inquiry to ask about competition, fairness and tax

Lords to question Europe Minister ahead of European Council
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU Committee will hear from David Lidington MP

European law specialist faces Lords questions on repeal of Human Rights Act
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

EU Justice Sub-Committee to hear from Professor Michael Dougan

How does EU membership affect UK science?
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords Committee starts its inquiry into the relationship between EU membership and the effectiveness of UK science, research and innovation

Government Ministers to face Lords Committee investigating Equality Act 2010
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Committee to ask about the impact of cuts, transport issues, and enforcement

Economic Affairs Committee to hear from Professor Danny Dorling on the problems in the UK Housing Market
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords Committee takes evidence from Fellow of St Peter's College, University of Oxford

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