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What do unions and businesses think of the Government's EU reform plans?

Figures from the world of business, the City and trade unions will give evidence to a Lords investigation into the Government's vision for EU reform, tomorrow, Tuesday 8 December.

The House of Lords EU Committee is holding an inquiry into the Prime Minister's long-term vision for the EU. It is examining whether the UK Government's vision for reform is shared by stakeholders both within the UK and in the EU as a whole.

Witnesses giving evidence on Tuesday are Chris Cummings, Chief Executive, TheCityUK; Frances O'Grady, General Secretary, TUC; Andy Bagnall, Director of Campaigns, CBI; and Owen Tudor, Head of European Union and International Relations, TUC.

Questions that the Committee is likely to put to the witnesses include:

  • Do you feel you have a clear understanding of the UK Government's vision for EU reform?
  • How would you respond to suggestions that the Government's reform proposals are being disproportionately driven by a London-centred agenda?
  • Are the interests of the nations, regions and other interest groups elsewhere in the UK being overlooked?
  • How can we safeguard the interests of both eurozone and non-eurozone Member States, in particular in the field of financial services legislation?
  • How can the step-change in competitiveness and job-creation that the Government is seeking be brought about?
  • Is the Government's objective to “control migration from the European Union” a challenge for the EU as a whole or a uniquely British preoccupation?

The evidence session on Tuesday 8 December will take place in Committee Room 4 of the House of Lords at 4.05pm.

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