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House of Lords Media Notices - February 2015


Have we got the balance right? Lords to investigate UK/EU balance of competences review
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Lords EU Committee will hold a short inquiry into the Government's Review of the Balance Competences between the UK and EU

Lords Committee investigating EU/US trade deal asks: Has it stalled?
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EU Committee to ask Government official about delays to implementation

Votes at 16 for Scotland should have been subject to full Parliamentary scrutiny - Lords Constitution Committee
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The use of secondary legislation to allow the Scottish Parliament to grant voting rights to 16 and 17-year olds in Scottish Parliament and Scottish local elections makes it impossible for Parliament to scrutinise the proposal effectively

Secretary of State for Scotland and First Minister of Northern Ireland talk to Lords about intergovernmental relations and Smith Commission proposals
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Lords Constitution Committee will this week hold two evidence sessions as part of its inquiry into inter-governmental relations in the UK

Digital skills will make or break UK, say Lords
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Committee says the UK's workforce is unprepared for the digital future

Next Government must prioritise disadvantaged children when allocating £6.4bn childcare budget, says Lords Committee
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House of Lords Committee on Affordable Childcare believes that the budget should be re-prioritised to help disadvantaged children

Lords to ask Treasury Secretary about the EU Budget process and Greek crisis
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David Gauke MP to face questions from Lords EU Committee

Lords Committee to question leading academics on the draft clauses for a future Scotland Bill
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Lords Constitution Committee will this week take evidence from two leading academics as part of its scrutiny of the draft clauses of a future Scotland Bill

UK must do more to tackle its diminishing influence in Brussels, Lords report warns
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Lords EU Sub-Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs Committee to present report findings to Lord Hill on 3 February

Peers to question Minister for Europe on plans for the new court rules and the conduct of EU sanctions
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A one-off evidence session with the Rt Hon David Lidington MP, Minister for Europe

EU must stand firm on Russia, says Lords Committee
Image of UK Parliament portcullis

Report urges tighter sanctions if necessary