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Economic Affairs Committee to question Lord Green and Sir Win Bischoff on banking culture

Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, former Chairman of HSBC, will next week make his first appearance before a Parliamentary Committee since leaving government when he gives evidence to the House of Lords Economic Affairs Committee in a one-off session on banking culture.

The Committee will also take evidence from Sir Win Bischoff, Chairman of the Financial Reporting Council and former Chairman of Lloyds Bank.

The session cover a wide range of issues around banking culture including:

  • Are global banks too large and complex to manage?
  • The activities of HSBC's Swiss and Mexican operations and whether they took anti-money laundering rules seriously.
  • To what extent are ‘values' compatible with a company's responsibility to its shareholders?
  • Whether the move from large bonuses to more of banker's remuneration coming from fixed pay is a cause for concern?
  • The increasing ratio of CEO pay to the average worker's pay.
  • Whether the US prosecutors approach of levying very large fines against financial institutions, rather than prosecute individuals, is the right approach to improve the ethics and culture of banks.

The Evidence session will start at 3:35pm on Tuesday 14 July in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords.

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