Lords to quiz constitutional experts on devolution and The Union
The House of Lords Constitution Committee will this week take evidence from constitutional academics and think tank directors as part of its inquiry into The Union and Devolution.
On Wednesday 3 November in Committee Room 1 of the House of Lords the Committee will hear from:
10:30am Professor John Curtice, Strathclyde University
Dr Jan Eichorn, University of Edinburgh
11:30am Alexandra Runswick, Director, Unlock Democracy
Brendan Donnelly, Director, Federal Trust for Education and Research
In the first session, questions will focus on how the Union was perceived in Scotland during the independence referendum; how support for the Union differs across the four nations of the UK; and how far the public are prepared to accept different levels of taxation and services in different parts of the UK.
In the second session, the Committee will ask the witnesses whether legislative devolution to or within England is necessary to deliver a settled constitutional settlement; what impact English Votes for English Laws might have on the Union; and whether decentralisation as envisaged in the City and Local Government Devolution Bill might answer the ‘English question'.