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Lords to quiz experts on the move towards deeper economic and monetary union in the EU

The House of Lords EU Committee will hold its first evidence session as part of its inquiry into economic and monetary union, tomorrow, Wednesday 25 November.

The investigation is looking at the issue of EMU, and the potential impact on the UK, within the context of the Five Presidents' Report.

For its first evidence session the Lords EU Financial Affairs Sub-Committee will hear from Graham Bishop, independent consultant, Dr. Dermot Hodson, Reader in Political Economy, Birkbeck, University of London and Philippe Legrain, independent writer and consultant.

The Committee will ask a range of questions, which could include:

  • What is your overall impression of the Five Presidents Report?
  • How does it compare with the blueprint published in 2012 to build a Genuine Economic and Monetary Union?
  • The first stage of the Five Presidents Report, dubbed “deepening by doing”, is now underway – what is your assessment?
  • What is your view of the effectiveness of the European Semester
  • What are the obstacles to completing Banking Union?
  • How would you assess the EU's ability to manage a financial crisis, such as the events in Greece?
  • How should EU Member States best prepare for a binding convergence process in the next stage of completing EMU?
  • What will be the impact on the non-eurozone area of moves to deepen EMU?

The evidence session will start at 10:15am on Wednesday 25 November. It will be in Committee Room 4 of the House of Lords.

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