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Committee on Trade Union Bill and Party Funding to take evidence from party officials

The House of Lords Committee on Trade Union Political Funds and Political Party Funding will tomorrow take evidence from the General Secretary of the Labour Party and the Treasurer of the Liberal Democrats as well as Professor Justin Fisher of Brunel University.

The Committee is conducting a short inquiry into clauses 10 and 11 of the Trade Union Bill which make changes to the way trade unions can collect contributions to their political funds and also introduces new requirements to publish details of political expenditure.

The sessions will start at 10:15am on Thursday 4 February in Committee Room 3A of the House of Lords. Giving evidence will be:

  • 10:15am Iain McNicol, General Secretary, Labour Party
  • 11:00am Lord German, Treasurer, Liberal Democrats
  • 11:30am Professor Justin Fisher, Brunel University

Areas the session will cover include:

  • How much of the Labour Party's funding comes from trade unions
  • What impact would a move to an opt-in system have on trade union political funds and Labour Party funds?
  • How far do clauses 10 and 11 relate to recommendations in the 2011 Committee on Standards in Public Life report?
  • How do the proposals in the Bill relate to the recommendations in the Collins Review for changes to way trade union collective affiliation fees are paid?
  • What impact would the passing of the Bill as proposed have on the prospect of comprehensive reform of political party funding?

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