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Lords Committee to explore new EU science advice mechanism as well as multinational business perspective

Next Tuesday, 9 February, the Lords Science and Technology Committee will take evidence from a multinational company active in R&D in the UK, as well as scientists with experience of EU decision making.

Medical research charity the Wellcome Trust will also give evidence.

The Committee will ask a range of questions on the issue of how UK science is affected by the treatment of science advice and evidence within the EU. The session is part of a wider examination of the relationship between EU membership and the effectiveness of UK science, research and innovation.

At 9.30am Professor Siegfried Russwurm, Chief Technology Officer & Member of the Managing Board, Siemens and Mr Juergen Maier, Chief Executive Officer Siemens UK, will give evidence.

Then at 10:30am Professor Dame Julia Slingo OBE FRS, Chief Scientist, Met Office and member of the European Commission's Science Advice Mechanism High-Level Group, Professor John Womersley, Chief Executive Officer, Science and Technology Facilities Council, and Mr Stuart Pritchard, EU Affairs Manager, Wellcome Trust, will be questioned.

Areas that the sessions will cover include:

  • The impetus for international companies to undertake R&D in the UK;
  • The value of EU membership to UK businesses;
  • The role of EU science advisory groups;
  • How much UK scientists can influence EU policy;
  • UK participation in EU funding schemes;
  • The movement of R&D talent across Europe; and
  • The view from the charity sector.

The evidence sessions will start at 9.30am on Tuesday 9 February in Committee Room 4a of the House of Lords.

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