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How can the internet be made a safer and better place for children? Lords to ask ministers

The House of Lords Communications Committee will question Government Ministers as part of its inquiry into children and the internet on Tuesday 29 November.

At 3.30pm The Committee will hear from Baroness Shields, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Internet Safety and Security, Edward Timpson MP, Minister of State for Vulnerable Children and Families, and Nicola Blackwood MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department of Health.

In this session, the Committee will discuss with the Ministers the extent to which initiatives already in place to prevent online risks for children have worked so far, and how the internet might be made a better and safer place for children in the future.

The Committee's investigation is looking into the potential impact of the internet on children's well-being, and also online governance and regulation.
Questions which the Ministers may face include:

  • Do you think the Government plays a great enough role in protecting children in their use of the internet?
  • What role should schools play in protecting children and increasing their resilience to online risks?
  • What duties do social media companies owe to children to protect them from harm?
  • Is there a need for greater transparency to ensure people, especially children, know they are being advertised to?

The Committee will start its evidence session at 3.30pm on Tuesday 29 November in the House of Lords Committee Room 2.

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