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DExEU Minister David Jones to answer questions on EU summit

David Jones MP, Minister of State at the Department for Exiting the European Union, will next week answer questions from the House of Lords EU Committee on the recent European Council meeting.

Areas the session will cover include:

  • The reaction of other European Council members to the Prime Minister's statement that the UK would continue to play an active role in the Council for as long it remains a member of the EU.
  • How the Prime Minister's commitment to give Parliament the opportunity to discuss the Government's approach to leaving the EU will be delivered.
  • The Government's approach to the rights of UK nationals living in Europe and EU nationals currently living in the UK.
  • How the Government is fulfilling its obligations to bring unaccompanied child refugees to the UK both from Calais and from Italy and Greece.
  • The UK's participation in EU negotiations for free trade deals with other countries, including with Japan and the United States.
  • The Government's view on the EU's policy towards Russia.

The session will start at 15:30 on Tuesday 1 November in Committee Room 3 of the House of Lords.

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